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0510-8311 9888
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电话:0510-8311 9888

咨询热线0510-8311 9888




Customers who have moved in Wuxi may encounter this phenomenon in the process of seeking services from Wuxi Moving Company. Workers in Wuxi Moving Company will charge extra fees for various reasons after discussing the price beforehand. Some customers will pay extra fees because they do not know that the original company may accept the additional requirements of the Moving Workers. Note that the regular Wuxi relocation company will not charge additional customer relocation fees, regardless of the reasons, this is an irregular manifestation. In order to help customers move at the most reasonable price and avoid unnecessary expenses, Wuxi Moving Company will introduce the common tricks of irregular moving company workers. 常见借口:

Common excuses:


Moving is more difficult than you can imagine.


Many irregular moving company workers will pretend to be tired after moving, and then say that the difficulty of moving is beyond their imagination, to achieve a negotiated price is not feasible, hope that customers can add some more fees. This excuse is a very informal performance of the moving company. The regular Wuxi moving company will determine the price of moving in advance, and then the workers will move seriously. This unreasonable charge requires that customers must not be deceived.


You have to pay more for one more item.


After the completion of the moving work, there may be some irregular moving company's moving workers'excuse to say that the original moving task did not say that there is one item, requiring additional expenses, in fact, it is only an effortless moving item, but the additional expenses are higher, which is obviously unreasonable requirements, customers can not easily be deceived.


We should know that the regular moving company quotes are not playful, honest business won market acclaim, will not use this subjective awareness of the difficulty of asking for additional money. Therefore, there is a need to move not to find irregular companies, more money-saving and reassuring relocation or regular Wuxi relocation company.


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0510-8311 9888