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咨询热线0510-8311 9888




How to determine whether the Wuxi relocation company you are looking for is regular? You can see whether their business license is consistent with their relocation promotion and know the scale of their relocation company. Whether there is a fixed office space, whether there is a moving team and moving vehicles. Understanding their service quality and service standards, when the relocation company is determined, we must sign a relocation contract. Even if the company is formal, it is hard to say when there is a problem. The relocation contract is just a means for us to move in case of safeguarding our own interests. If we do not sign it, we will put our interests in an unprotected state. If there is a problem, it will be very difficult. It's time for protection.


For irregular moving companies, their company addresses are either fictitious or temporarily rented. As long as they have a mobile phone, they do not even have a formal office or business license, and some of them also use small advertisements (or newspaper advertisements) to fake the business of regular moving companies. Once problems arise, the customer base can not find the company. Generally speaking, the service quality of the regular professional Wuxi relocation company can be basically guaranteed, and the relocation company with certain strength generally has its own professional website from which to learn some basic knowledge of relocation.


Now the moving market is chaotic and counterfeit moving companies are prevalent. Wuxi Moving Network reminds friends that they must sign a moving contract when they move. Many moving companies will charge a certain deposit when they sign contracts with customers. This deposit usually does not exceed 10% of the moving price. If it is too high, ask for specific reasons and put it forward. In addition, the deposit collected should also be indicated in the contract, so as not to end up being wronged by the deposit issue.


Finally, it's important to sign a contract. Before the formal Wuxi Removal Company signs the contract, it is necessary to determine the size of the vehicles, the number of service, the time needed for the relocation and so on provided by the Wuxi Removal Company. Nowadays, the regular Wuxi Moving Company usually provides the price-added contract for the valuables. If you have valuables that need to be insured, you can make additional instructions in the moving contract. 


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鸿山 明园蔚蓝府 江南华府 鸿坤理想湾 吴月雅境 金润华庭 新安 青年公社 裕沁湖畔庭 远洋太湖宸章 新安花苑 干城路 硕放 润硕新天地 丰硕苑 香墅嘉苑 安桥 秦村 梅村 香格梅里 書香國際公寓 梅里花苑 嘉禾广场 万科维园 江溪 长江领寓 朗诗天萃 利华广场 长江国际臻园 广南里 旺庄 润泽雅居 长江国际花园 新光 群星 长江


0510-8311 9888