0510-8311 6330
0510-8311 9888
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电话:0510-8311 9888

咨询热线0510-8311 9888




A few days ago, the workers of Wuxi Moving Company moved to customers in a high-grade residential district in Wuxi District. The customer called three days ago to confirm this. They also repeatedly reminded us that we must photograph highly qualified and experienced porters and not start from the floor price. We all promise to do these requirements to our customers, and we must do it. In order to ensure that there will be a dispute, I also record the conversation with our customers, so as not to get confused. What I didn't expect was that the problem came before I came to my house this morning. First of all, every piece of furniture that the customer wants to move needs to be removed. Before that, the customer said very clearly on the phone that furniture is not to be moved. The number of 35 cartons is correct, but cartons are the kind of cartons as big as refrigerators. There are more than 100 kilograms of clothes and books in them. Moreover, soon after the workers entered, the security of the community also entered the door, requiring customers to open the release bar before moving, otherwise workers will not be allowed to start.


Because there was an unexpected situation in this list for workers of Wuxi Moving Company, the workers called back to the company and asked what to do next. In view of the customer's situation, I immediately call the customer to explain the situation and see how the customer handles this matter. Maybe the security guards won't move. The customers are a little angry. They shout at me on the phone. They also say that we are "robbing by fire. If we don't move today, we will compensate the workers of Wuxi Moving Company for their losses and not let our movers go". I'm worried that things will get very stiff if they are not handled properly, and I'll rush over. When I arrived, the police had already adjusted on the spot. I took out my mobile phone and played the recording of the conversation with the customer on the phone. It was obvious that the customer had lied. There was no mention of moving any furniture in the recording. Because things have reached this point, we have no need to cooperate, let alone customer dishonesty, we have reason to withdraw.


The customer was very angry when he left. He also said that he would have a way to make Wuxi Moving Company "more famous" on the Internet. I don't say anything about the customer's statements. We can't stop the customer from doing that. This is also his power. But I don't think our company has done anything wrong in this matter. Director is entirely on the client side, Wuxi Moving Company is entirely reasonable and prudent, so we are not afraid of any complaints from customers, the market and customer's reputation will explain everything. 


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东港镇 东湖村 蠡漍西 东湖塘 东青河村 东廊路 锡北镇 佰仕苑 集贸四村 泾悦华庭 富达新村 华夏星辰 鹅湖镇 昕湖坊 学海公寓 新杨新居 景园路 朝阳路 羊尖镇 育才西路 廊下花苑 新羊大道 后渔池佳苑 新丰大道 云林 恒泰悦熙台 云竹路 春风南路 先锋路 南山公园大道 东北塘 东园新居 梓旺苑 东旺新村 东贸新村 锡通苑 安镇 厚德苑 融创东方御园 美的公园天下 中梁首府壹号 华泰苑 东亭 新光小区 东亭老街路 协鑫家园 杨树绛 绿地璀璨天城 厚桥 谢埭荡村 嵩山村 中东村 新厚桥村 年余村
阳山 桃源雅墅 陆缘茗邸 富民苑 东方苑 胜利路 玉祁 堰玉路 宝龙湖畔花城 育才小区 盈科花園 润秀苑 钱桥 钱桥菜场 藕塘月色 藕中路 新顺路 悦湖观邸 堰桥 龙湖天钜 融创惠山映 林新路 中惠大道 复地公园 洛社 小周新村 南西漳一村 菜场新村 天奇馨城 正明家园 前洲 青城公寓 平湖路 时光玖境 御景名仕苑 杏星苑 长安 新翔家园 生科路 堰桥东街 劳丰新村 吉星家园
马山 栖云苑 阿维侬庄园 环山东路 群丰 桃坞 太湖 太湖虹桥花园 融创新天地 龙湖天璞 军嶂新村 方泉苑 蠡湖 中南 陈庄 美湖 蠡湖 山明 荣巷 景秀苑 龙山村曹巷 梁溪路 名都华庭 团结新村 胡埭镇 立人花园 富润花苑 孟村 富安 胡埭村 雪浪 兴隆新村 万顺道 方泉苑 周潭佳园 具区路 华庄 愉樾天成 净慧东路 震泽路 育才苑 吴都路 蠡园 青山西路 溪东路 育才路 小园三村 蠡溪路 河埒 荣院家舍 环太湖公路 大渲新村 梁溪警苑 蠡港新村
梅村 香格梅里 書香國際公寓 梅里花苑 嘉禾广场 万科维园 江溪 万科金域缇香 多友大厦 叙成里 博客公寓 万科东郡 旺庄 宝龙国际公寓 彩虹城 大尤巷 高浪嘉园 新港公寓 鸿山 明园蔚蓝府 江南华府 鸿坤理想湾 吴月雅境 金润华庭 新安 龙湖时代星座 净慧西路 新庄 新虹 青年公社 硕放 通祥一村 瑞港国际 锦硕苑 香楠佳苑 合新


0510-8311 9888